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“Paleontologists have tried to turn Archaeopteryx into an earth bound feathered dinosaur. But it’s not. It is a bird, a perching bird. And no amount of ‘paleobabble’ is going to change that.” Alan Feduccia – a world authority on birds from UNC Chapel Hill, quoted in “Archaeopteryx: Early Bird Catches a Can of Worms,” Science Feb. 5, 1994, p. 764-5.

They tell the kids we have proof for evolution because dinosaurs turned into birds!

“Dinosaurs alive – as birds – scientist says”. (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 28, 1999)

“Birds are today’s dinosaurs”, says renowned Canadian Paleontologist Philip Currie, and “even the fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex likely sported feathers.”

“Currie, who spoke yesterday at the University of Washington on ‘Feathered Dinosaurs from China’, is one of the world’s leading proponents of the controversial theory that birds are the direct descendants of dinosaurs. In that sense, dinosaurs are still alive today, he said.”

It may have escaped your attention, but there are a few differences between a dinosaur and a bird.

You don’t just put a few feathers on them on and say “Come on man, give it a try. It won’t hurt too badly.”

Dinosaurs did not turn to birds.

If dinosaurs turned into birds, somewhere along the line, when his front legs were developing into wings they’re going to be half-leg / half-wing–which means he can’t run and he can’t yet fly.

1. Clawed Wings

They say we have proof that they did because of Archaeopteryx.

Archaeopteryx means “ancient wing”

They say, “See boys and girls?  He has claws on his wings!”

Yeah, so?

12 birds today have claws on their wings including the ostrich, swan, hoatzin, emu, and ibis.

“Strahl adds that some ornithologists call the hoatzin ‘primitive’ because of its archaeopteryx-like claws; but he prefers to think of it as ‘high;y specialized.’ Swans, ibis and many other birds, he notes have wing claws; they just never make use of them.” (“What’s a Hoatzin?” Scientific American, vol. 261 December 1989, p. 30)

This fraud was exposed in 1986–that’s 15 years ago!

Why is this lie still in the textbooks?

2. Teeth

They say, “Look children, he’s got teeth in his beak. That proves he has reptilian features.”

Now wait a minute.

Some reptiles have teeth. Some don’t.

Some mammals have teeth. Some don’t.

Some fish have teeth. Some don’t.

Some of you have teeth. Some don’t.

Doesn’t prove a thing.

3. Strata

Birds are found in lower layers than Archaeopteryx. Therefore, if you believe in evolution and the geologic column, it does not make sense that the Archaeopteryx would be found in layers higher than birds if birds supposedly evolved from them.

“In western Colorado’s Dry Mesa Quarry, Brigham Young University archaeologists have come upon the 140-million-year-old remains of what they are calling ‘the oldest bird ever found.’ … It is obvious that we must now look for the ancestors of flying birds in a period of time much older than that in which the Archaeppteryx lived,’ says Yale University’s John H. Ostrom who positively, identified the specimen.” “Bone Bonanza: Early Bird and Mastodon,” Science News, vol. 112 (September 12, 1977), p. 198.

4. Difference between scales and feathers

They say bird feathers evolved from scales.

A. They come from different genes on the chromosome.

B. They develop totally differently

C. A scale is a hard wrinkle in the skin—a feather is not a wrinkle of skin.

D. They attach to the skin very differently

E. Feathers are incredibly complex and unbelievably complicated.

They are both made from the same protein, Keratin and there is where the similarity stops.

So what?

Battleships and forks are both made of iron. It doesn’t prove they both evolved from a tin can.

It proves the same Engineer is using the same materials for different functions. God used Keratin for finger nails and hair and scales and feathers. So?  Same Designer, that’s what it proves!

“Fossil remains of a bird which lived between 142 and 137 million years ago were recently found in the Liaoning province of northeastern China.  The discovery, made by a fossil-hunting farmer and announced by a c Chinese/American team of scientists, including Alan Feduccia (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) and Larry D. Martin (University of Kansas), provide the oldest evidence of a beaked bird on Earth yet found.  …  The Chinese bird, claim its discoverers, probably lived at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary–prior to the arrival of Deinonychus and Mononykus–and could not possibly be descended from them.”  “Jurassic Bird Challenges Origin Theories,” Geotimes, vol. 41 (January 1996), p. 7