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Every year on the Monday after the Super Bowl, the news is cluttered with stories about outraged “parent groups” reacting hysterically to aspects of the Super Bowl they deemed not suitable for children.

Between MIA flipping off the world during halftime to the highly sexually charged FIAT and Teleflora commercials, this year was no different.

Here is my question to these outraged “parents”:

How much dripping wet, sexually explicit, soft porn imagery do you need to watch during Super Bowls, year after year, before you determine that the Super Bowl is not kid-friendly?

Or better, how much adult anatomy need be seen through “wardrobe malfunctions” before you discern the event’s moral malfunctions?

As a vigilant hawk over what my four small children view, I can tell you that I take the preservation of childhood innocence as my chief responsibility as a Father.  Because of that, I would never allow my minor children to watch the Super Bowl.

My problem with these “parent groups” is not that they want a cleaner, more family-friendly Super Bowl–I am actually in agreement with them on this point.

My problem is with feigning ignorance and cloaking themselves in victim-hood by pretending that they didn’t know it was going to occur.

That, as far as I’m concerned, demonstrates that, far from being responsible parents who are dutifully advocating for standards of decency, they are actually incredibly irresponsible parents who knowingly and willingly eroded their own children’s innocence

The NFL lied?

If your child got his first eyeful of nudity/sexuality from the Super Bowl, the only person to blame is in the mirror.